lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Definately,we are crazy.

Pepsi has launched its new beberage can taller and thiner and no without controversy a few hours after their release lots of associations related to eating disorders had critiqued the idea, and the new "skinny can".

This news are no new for american society which also has criticised the lauch of the popular britain TV-show "skins" for including all manner of foul language, illegal drugs abuse

My question is why is so easy for associations to criticise ads and show, and they don't do the same to the tons of yellow press that publishes EVERY WEEK, which star has been infidel, which star is taking drugs; those stars appears in shows, in movies that children see, maybe those star are the heroes of some of them, but instead is easier to say that pepsi estimulates eating disorders for changing its Diet Pepsi can.

I do not like being controversial but in my opinion, concerning to these matter people love to do cheap demagoguery.

Even with all this outrage, diet pepsi sales has no experimented any change yet, let see what the future holds for the new skinny can

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