lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Mini on your life

On February th english brand Mini has spread on UK  its new campaign in which they asked to posible future usersl, when they think they will buy a Mini? accompanied by the slogan"Mini on your mind" .

The campaign also has a series of ads in which they hide the images of minis so our subconscious can store the image giving us the idea of buying a Mini.


I am not a fan of Minis, maybe the are cute, but i am a person that travels a lot using his car, and when i travel like go with friends and carry baggage with us, and with a mini you are not able to do both; but for people who can allow to have two cars or that does not like to travel and just want a samll beatuiful car for the city i think is a billiant campaign, bomb posible customers with advertisments that go directly to their brain and with asd on its emal and smartphones with deals so at the moment they will think abou buying a new car, Mini will be the first brand they will think about.

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